Today I had the wonderful opportunity of singing and worshipping with the folks at Village Chapel United Methodist Church, here in Ashville. This church is a result of a merger of two United Methodist Churches in the area, Village UM and Hedges Chapel UM. It's a powerful testimony of what can be accomplished when God's people work together. I sang at the 8:30 AM traditional service. The service is led by "Mr. Methodist" Benis Lutz and features Carolyn Lutz on organ and Gretchen Fortner on piano. They really do a great job in setting the stage for a meaningful worship experience. The pastor, Kevin Pees, is a young, energetic man of God who ably draws on scripture and application, to encourage one to go deeper in Christ. After chatting with some friends after the service, I checked out their contemporary service. Once again I was impressed with the talent and annointing at which the service was being executed. Truly God is at work in this place, both traditionally and contemporarily!!