Yesterday afternoon I had the pleasure of attending my good friend, trainer and mentor, Sidney West's open house for his new workout facitlity "Body By Sid" just off I-670 and Cassidy on Switzer. Nearly 100 people which included bootcamp clients, personal training clients, church folks and friends gathered to honor and encourage this humble man who himself has encouraged many others, myself included. It was an honor for me to be included in such a joy-filled place. Several times I thought we might as well have church as the Spirit of love and joy was abounding! Sidney has been such a great friend and personal trainer to me for the last 6 plus years! I can testify that diet and exercise have truly enriched my life and I'm thankful that God gives us gifts like Sidney West who can help keep our earthly bodies running as God intended! My best to Sidney and his wife Joy as they begin this new phase of the journey!