Last night Broadway Across America presented the "Blue Man Group" at the Palace Theater in Columbus. These guys are incredibly talented, but if you've never seen them either live or on YouTube, describing the group and their show is very difficult. I would start by saying they are a very high tech mime troup. Throw in a little slapstick comedy, some elements of "Stomp" plus dazzling graphics and video displays through out the show and you begin to get a glimpse of the uniqueness of Blue Man Group. These three guys were on stage over 90 minutes straight and with much participation from the audience, weaved their magic from the stage and sometimes within the audience itself. By the time the night was over as huge lighted and lightweight balls bounced from the stage through out the entire theater the audience was eating up these three funny blue men. The group has shows currently playing in NYC and Vegas daily. The traveling team were excellent in every way.