I knew this was going to be something unique when I got an email from the ticket office explaining that they had to move the production of "Priscilla Queen of the Desert" from one theater stage to another, because the costumes were too large for the original stage!! Anyhow, the story is about 3 drag queens ( if this makes you uncomfortable, substitute clowns, or mimes) who travel across the desert of Australia to help out a friend who is about to unite with his 6 year old son for the first time. Along the way, there is every excuse to sing, dance and choreograph some of disco's biggest hits. "I Will Survive", "It's Raining Men","I Love the Night Life", and many others. The humor is biting and somewhat predictable. The story moves along, and is actually somewhat coherent and compelling. But, it's the costumes that steals the show. Bright and beautiful colors, along with innovative costumes, like animated paint brushes, cupcakes and a big old VW bus that is christened "Priscilla, Queen of the Desert." The three queens finally get to their destination and the tender moments ensue. It was my first, but not last, trip to Playhouse Square in downtown Cleveland. This production was at the State. The Ohio and Palace Theaters are nearby.